{ astro — of the stars, celestial bodies }

{ dream — a series of thoughts, visions and sensations occurring during sleep; a cherished aspiration, ambition, ideal or desire; an experience or state of mind marked by abstraction or a release from reality; something ineffable or beautiful }

{ collective — a cooperative group of participants in collaboration with a shared intention }

Join us for our next gathering of The Astro-Dream Collective, a circle meeting twice monthly for sharing and exploring the symbols, images and content of our dreams in relationship to the astral bodies, with guidance from multidisciplinary artists and astrologers, Esme Savage and Hannah Frances Pautler.

In our gatherings, we investigate the intersection of dream, archetype, myth, and astrology. This is a space of creative play, storytelling, listening and voicing to bring light and language to the subtle images that dwell in our unconscious. 

This collective is for those who yearn to deepen their relationship with dream, archetypal awareness, astral cycles, and interpretative skills.

This is for those who desire to generate a more embodied intuitive language for tracking symbols and synchronicities in their waking lives.

This is for those who long for a space of connection with others while doing this work of internal exploration. 

It is not required that you have experience with astrology or dreamwork, as we will be cultivating these tools of self-awareness together. We invite all those who are open-hearted, curious, and reverent.

This collective is an inclusive, safe and compassionate space for inquiry and reflection.

“The Astro-Dream Collective is such deep, real, powerful work—to undo and amplify our connection to the natural, cyclical rhythms of the earth.
More spaces like this creates more space for wild time rather than linear conditional time. We need more spaces like this.”

– Madison, Member of The Astro-Dream Collective

NEXT Session: Tuesday, February 22 —  8 - 9:30pm EST on Zoom  [departure]

$22-$44 sliding scale payment, per session.

First come, first serve. There is limited capacity to keep the group intimate.

Sessions are group-oriented, but if you wish for private astro-inquiry sessions or 1-1 counseling, individual sessions are offered at a reduced rate for those enrolled in the group. 

re- [again, backward, anew, above]

root [the part of a plant which attaches it the ground and transports nourishment; the origin, cause or source of something]

route [a way of movement taken to get from a starting point to a destination]

Our next gathering meets on the dark eve of the New Moon in Aquarius. This is an electric lunation as the Sun and Moon confront Uranus in a tight square— there is break through that wants to emerge from the difficulty and tension of this time. This week also sees Venus stationing direct, moving forward in Capricorn alongside Mars (and if you rise early enough, you may catch Venus as the brightest morning star). Pluto pulls us down into currents of deep transformation as he conjoins Mercury, still retrograde. The unexpected is germinating, and on the other side of this astrological revolution, everything may look different. 

Here we are in the spiral of time, standing on the staircase between cycles, innumerable steps to climb, and many rotations beyond our starting point. Here is the invitation to locate ourselves, root into vision informed by our values and commitments, and open ourselves to change. Digging into the nourishment that lives in our dreams and connecting through community can help us meet surprise with acceptance, and even hope. We invite you to join us as we orient ourselves to this metamorphic moment through sound and collective storytelling.


The Astro-Dream Collective is NOT intended as a substitute for professional medical or mental health support. Esme Savage and Hannah Frances Pautler are not licensed therapists or mental health professionals. The Astro-Dream Collective is intended as a virtual group space for creative sharing, processing, reflecting and learning. Group participants must take full responsibility for their health and well-being. 

The Astro-Dream Collective has a zero-tolerance policy for any discrimination, bullying or intimidation. This is an inclusive, compassionate and respectful space.

The Astro-Dream Collective has a no-refund policy. Should you be unable to attend the meeting for which you have paid, your payment can be put towards the next group meeting. You are responsible for contacting us directly in the case of absence or the need to reschedule.